Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A wedding...and Manbearsquig

I admit it...I was responsible for setting the date between Poosh and Okris. Normally the happy couple should choose the date to their liking, but I profess...I cannot sit idle when October 31st is coming!

Clearly, a freak show wedding deserves a date that is equal to the horror we've all had to endure for the last couple months. I mean...I've had to deal with some absolute silliness...Az keyboard turning during Molten Core...Doogs' totems being the subject of Ony's hate (lord only knows why)...and then the craziness of Poosh and Okris from Kara to BT...

Aside from something like Christmas...which would be weird...even for me...I thought that Holloween is far more fitting.

Now...as to Manbearsquig...

Some might say he doesn't exist. Some might claim it is really manbearPIG (What silliness is that?)...clearly they haven't seen Manbearsquig. So what will I do about that? Well...I've taken the liberty of securing a photo of this vile creature...

I will warn you only this once...the hideous visage of this creature is unlike anything you've encountered...

I give you...


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