Sunday, September 7, 2008

We are liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.

In the words of the great Bruce Buffer.

Welcome to the blog of the Warhammer: Age of Reckoning Destruction guild Emit Yrots, on the Helborg server.

A little about us... we are a group of gamers who all met while playing WoW, the first of us meeting in Summer of 2006. We picked up a few more wandering miscreants in the fall of 2007, and over the years have all become close real-life friends. From server to server to server on World of Warcraft, we longed to find a guild and a home that would suit us, but overall were continually let down by the elitist environment fostered by that atmosphere. We were heavy PVPers, hardcore raiders, some of us did arena, we were in the thick of it all, and each day we found ourselves spending more and more of our free time in a game we no longer enjoyed.We waited for WAR, oh, so long. And now it is here.


We have been all continually impressed with everything about Mythic and their creation of this game. Their communication and the respect they have for their community (podcasts ftw), the races and careers, very polished gameplay, their quest structures, the million ways you can level... all more awesome than the last. The beta was a tease. A TEASE, I SAY!

Most of all, a lot of us were impressed with the ability to have a short amount of time to play and still be able to progress. If you have say, a half hour a day to play, you can log in, do a couple of public quests or RvR scenarios, gain XP, money and reknown, and gear. You can play however you want to play and become the character you want to be.

I squeal a little bit whenever I read that to myself. Srsly.

Why, my Sundays alone usually consisted of five hours of herb farming, just for my potions for the following 5-day raiding week. And that was my day off.

NO MORE! WAR IS HERE!AND SO ARE WE! We are EMIT YROTS... Destruction guild on Helborg! If you haven't already checked it out, our kickass website is located here. It's still got some bugs that need to be worked out.



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